Sunday, April 14, 2013

Wine Film Review- "Blood into Wine" 

Wine Film Review- “Blood into Wine”

            “Blood into wine is a very interesting documentary about an unexpected successful wine maker Maynard James Keenan who was the former member and lead singer of Tool and Puscifer.   The other main actor is Eric Glomski, winemaking partner and born in Arizona.  Maynard meets Eric and was really inspired by him, his visions, views, and feelings on wine and knew they would be partners on the mission of brining life to the desert like mountain slopes. They make the Caduceus Cellars and Merkins Vineyards.  The plot carries through the whole vineyard creation and maintaining process as well as the meaning and emotions that go along with owning and working a vineyard. It follows Maynard and Eric through the planting, harvesting, bottling process, as well as the emotions behind it and work, actually planting it by hand and harvesting by hand, of what it takes to make a vineyard a reality.   The majority of the setting takes place in the mountainside plains of the Jerome Region in Northern Arizona.   It looked like a very underdeveloped area with clearly starry nights, very dry.   Arizona’s Verde Valley, location of the vineyard has the classic dessert like conditions, hot days, cold nights, dryer soils, etc. This geography according to Maynard is not desirable to most wine growers, however that is one of the things that really gave Maynard his mark on the wine world. 
            The main impression and key theme of this movie that felt was that wine is an expression of what home truly means.  It is an expression of what that earth is, who is growing the grapes, and what the wine brings to the drinker.  One of Eric Glomski quotes really sums it up “helps humans get closer to earth.”  Eric really emphasized in the movie that wine growing, making, and drinking was not just for the alcohol it was to work with and create something that was nature and to have a respect and understanding of the world around him from root to grape to wine.  Maynard did not give as much as a “hippie” vibe as Eric, however he too was really seemed to one with the wine and all aspects about it as well. 
            The part of this movie that really stood out to me was Maynard’s love, emotions for, and how he connected with his mother through the vineyard.  His mother died at a pretty young age of 59 from a brain aneurysm.  Maynard preceded to spread her ashes over the entire vineyard and made his first wine with grapes that grew in the soil with the ashes.  The grapes are Cabernet Sauvignon and the bottled wine is called “Nagual de Judith.”  This wine is solely to honor her memory, I really cannot express the love Maynard has for his mother and how the wine was embodied her memory left on the earth.  He kept his mothers soul part of the earth and the wine really is a physical memory of the love and meaning of family to Maynard. 
On a lighter note the movie focused on the beginning and early running of the vineyard.  Some of the grapes popular in these wines are Syrah, Malvasia Blanca, Cabernet Sauvignon, etc.   Early wines made at the vineyard were Primer Paso, Nagual de la Naga, and Nagual del Sensei. The Primer Paso wine actually sold out.  From the documentary Maynard stated that they did not bottle much wine ever year, large production was not the style of this winery the product was more important than the amount.   I believe of the wine he produced in honor of his mother only 100 or so were bottled in that year.  Not a large amount comparable to most wines.   Maynard cultural impressions of wine could really be summed up when he was asked, “why do people like to drink wine?”  His answer; “complexes from fermentation of grapes to wine is much more complex and has so much more history than other fruits and that’s why we love it and embrace it” Hippe Explanation Young crowd “ drink it and get drunk.” The quote really sums up Maynards cultural views on the wine.  Young drinkers are normally drinking the wine for the 8-16 percent alcohol it may contain but as one matures the wine becomes more complex in its own way, each palate to his own. 
In summary this movie was really better than its appearance.  Yes, it is about another celebrity who had enough money for a hobby, however once you watch it your perspective will change.  I highly recommend this movie to anyone who likes wine, or wants to learn about the wine making process, and for those who really want to gain an appreciation and emotional connection of wine and what wine means to others.  Wine making is really the markers sweat and own blood in the soil, the ingredients used to grow the grapes, those still there through the process that are bottled.  A wine bottled from a vineyard like Maynard’s is a bottle of his own “blood” his own emotions, love, feelings, and connection to the earth, really what the title says “Blood into Wine.”

Note to grader, I am sorry this is very sloppy.  I did not leave enough time to re watch the movie then write a decent paper at all.  The next wine film reports will be more to expected par as I hope you see in my other papers.  Again I am sorry for the sloppiness of this paper.  


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